- Wednesday, March 31st, 2021

Bold lifestyle concept reaps gold for Kwan
Up-and-coming Hong Kong designer Myron Kwan sighed with relief when his client for the Green Experience Pavilion in Foshan agreed to his boundary-pushing concept. “Essentially they were looking for a shop to sell healthy food and good wine – and I convinced them to go with a far more interactive space where people could personally experience the food and wine as well as buy it.”
The creative gamble paid off big time. Not only did the clients love the Pavilion, which dramatically reimagines notions of retailing, the project also won the A&D Gold Award for Interior Design – Best Retail Shopping. “I was absolutely delighted,” says Kwan. “In many ways, it was a personal validation for me.”
The Chinese-born designer, who opened his own practice M.R. Studio in 2019, explained he was looking for a harmony between the two elements – food that was healthy and wine which was not necessarily seen as good for health. The outcome was a stylish, contemporary setting where guests could take cooking classes or enjoy wine tasting in a private salon or outdoor courtyard, as well as shop for quality products.
“It has become a really popular hangout for the regular customers and the client’s friends,” Kwan says. “It shows you how rapidly lifestyles are changing in mainland cities today.”
Kwan is developing a strong reputation in food and beverage circles for his innovative designs. Despite the challenging times for the sector, he says he has four new F&B projects in the pipeline after the success of Hong Kong’s BAR DE LUXE, overseen by legendary Japanese mixologist Hidetsugu Ueno, and Hangzhou’s OAK whisky bar, an homage to whisky distilling traditions, which was also shortlisted by the A&D Award judges.
Myron Kwan is definitely a name to watch in the world of interior design.